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Mission Offering for July

Our mission offering for July is designated for God’s Way Christian School in Tanzania. The school opened in January 2023, and currently has 60 students, 4 teachers, a cook, a bus driver, a secretary, and the director and founder, Paschal Bakundukize. God’s Way Christian School provides for the whole student, serving nutritious meals, supplying uniforms, shoes, and books for those who can’t afford them, teaching them the gospel, and providing them with a quality education. God’s Way offers free education, with parents contributing through volunteering and donations based on their capacity.


Under Tanzanian law, the school which currently meets in a rented facility, must soon secure their own land and own their own buildings. GWCS will build in phases. Phase 1 calls for classrooms that will accommodate their current students, a kitchen, bathrooms, and an office area. Estimated cost of Phase 1 is $70,000. Checks may be written to TLC with GWCS in the memo. You may also give online through TeachBeyond.


Offering will be taken Sunday, July 14. 

Service Times

Sunday Worship 9:30am
Sunday School: Summer break

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