Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church

Please join us and grow through God's Word

Upcoming Events

Trinity Lutheran’s Missions of the Month

  •  Marion Medical Mission seeks to share the love of Christ with the extreme poor in Africa by providing all in need with a sustainable source of clean, safe drinking water.  They partner with Africans to build wells for just $475 for a well.
  • God's Way Christian School is to partnering with Christian people who believe in helping others, especially orphans, vulnerable children who are coming from very humble families in Morogoro, Tanzania.  We want to create the generation that will grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. 

We will be taking an offering each week this month for both of these missions.  Please clearly designate on your check memo or offering envelope which mission you would like to donate towards.  Checks can be written out to Trinity Lutheran Church.  

We continue to collect donated items you so generously give to the needy.  We bring to so many places and everything is VERY appreciated.  We are collecting winter clothes at this time as they don’t have room to store a lot of things.  They are in need of good used towels, coats, hats, gloves, sweatshirts, shoes and boots.   Please put items in garbage bags and write on the outside of the bag what’s inside if it’s men’s, women’s, boys, girls, blankets, or misc.  Devotional books are also appreciated.   Items can be dropped off at Gloria Kok or Shirley Johnson’s garages.  Please call ahead so we can be there when you stop.  For questions on what to donate, call Gloria (605-207-0096) or Shirley (605-207-0388).  Thanks again for all you donate to a worthy cause! 



Service Times

Sunday Worship 9:30am
Sunday School: Summer break

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